“I created the program outline, using hope and community as the core.”

Comment- “I love the style it’s loose but tight- enough to really enjoy!”- Crispin Shakesaft

I (Michelle Vara) became a member of the Ti Arts Downtown Gallery in the summer of 2021.

Over the winter I was asked to create a window display to fill the four front Ti Gallery windows.
This project is one of many that shows my experience and strengths from concept to completion, meeting deadlines.

(Tasks include -concept, drawings, organization, press releases, communication, material acquisition, technical, curation, painting, layout, photography, fascial labor, installation, financial support, and finalizing the project.)
I created and financed, the entire program including a catalog that I photographed, and laid out, then printed. It is on display in the gallery until August 2022 to highlight the children’s work.

I called on the professional services of Jim McLaughlin Photography to shoot the finished windows. The time together was very exciting- to help him work his magic.

I contacted the press and all the children’s institutions from Plattsburgh to Lake George NY with an invite.

The outline of the call for art was-
The project is called “A Trip Trough Art” and will fill the windows of the gallery starting April first.
Michelle Vara (Ballard Road Art Gallery in Wilton NY) will supply small 3.5″ clear Globes for 9th-12 graders to create with – for free.

The participants will create small environments. The participants may choose, any subject, all material – No limit -No Restraint of their Imagination! The Finished pieces Must be ready to hang by end of March 2022.

The outcome was Fantastic –

While installing the project a couple came into the gallery and said- “We were driving through town headed to Vermont and the window display grabbed us to turn around and see what is going on – it’s so striking and interesting – we never noticed there was a gallery here before.”

Comment about the backdrops-“I’ve never seen that style, it’s really invigorating”- Helen Vanderburgh

Comment about the Globes- “Wow what really good creative ideas and well-made!”

Catalog Opening in conjunction with the Ticonderoga High School Art Show-

Jayna Mcloughlin- Teacher
Elizabeth Snyder– 2022 student curator for the Ticonderoga High School Art Show. She did an outstanding job with a beautiful outcome.
-Bailey O’Hara: Pink Globe- 6th grade.
-Andrey Burroughs: Mushrooms #59- 9th grade.
Portia Macri: Planets #54- 12th grade.
-Brooke Plunkett: Blue Globe-12th grade.
Britney Shaw- Art Teacher, Ticonderoga High School
-Katie Ashe -Kaylin Barnaby
-Avery Blanchard -Elizabeth Snyder
-Sophia Dorsett -Chris Facteau
-Amie Parent -Jade Frasier
-Ariannna Fuller -Angel Crowningshield-Kelley
-Raegan Granger -Anna Maneri
-Brayton Molina -Jeff Jordan
-Kennedy McKeown -Summer Lahendro
-Joey Moore -Aayla Osier
-Alexis Towne -Carmen Troche
-Ella Vilardo -Austin Waldron -Zowie Norton
-Adrian DeLong
Special Thanks to:
Grace Vara– Installation and support.
Jim Mclaughlin Photography- Photographs are sighted.
Contact: https://www.mclaughlinphoto.com/
Financial Support: Ballard Road Art Studio Gallery, Wilton NY

For further information please contact us. Thank You! Michelle