“When a Rooster Struts into your life it’s time to celebrate your uniqueness!”
This “Golden Rooster” was created using reclaimed objects that are welded together, which were chosen for their connections and memories, furthering the intention of capturing, translating, and sharing the diverse cultures and histories of the Rooster as a sacred animal and object.

Otherwise, known and joked about as “The Golden Cock”
(Golden Cock) 73inches high by 57inches round. Materials- welded recycled metal, 1870 Czech crystal (eyes), antique Cobalt Blue shot glass, finished in gold metal flake powder coat, with red enamel highlights.

“The Golden Rooster” sculpture struts his stuff with one leg stepping forward into the future, offering hope, faith, and fun while he boasts protection, pride, hilarity, confidence, candor, and old-fashioned gusto.

High in the air, the rooster’s winged hand is holding a functional antique Cobalt Blue shot glass. Connecting the Italian ceremonial toast – “Salute” or “Cin Cin” to Portray well-wishing and good fortune.

The eyes of the “Golden Rooster”, (a story of their own) sparkle and twinkle with the antiquity of the original 1870 Czech Crystal. The artist purchased them from a glass collector intending to incorporate all the folklore and spiritual knowledge held in glass, light, and prismatic color.

The Rooster (Cock or Cockerel) has a long history throughout the world. He is the gatekeeper and acts as the Divine messenger, representing a wide range of good luck, and protection with the intent to bring years of happiness, good health, and fortune to its owners and the place in which it resides.

Italian culture believes the Cockerel is a steward guarding and protecting with his pre-dawn song which scares away the evil spirits and improves or elevates the qi (life force energy) of your home.
As a gift the rooster is a high honor, signifying the best intentions for a good future and a long happy life.
Portuguese folklore takes it one step further adding that the Rooster represents truth and equity.
the Celts saw the Rooster as a messenger to the underworld. As he traveled, his caw called forth the souls of the brave who died in battle. Gaulish depictions of the god Mercury (the god of messages and abundance) show him with a sacred Rooster companion. Throughout the legends of the Celts, the Rooster has the power to banish ghosts and other unhappy spirits, when he caws come the dawn.
In the Middle Ages, the Gallic Rooster was widely used as a religious symbol.
The Rooster is a very popular symbol throughout China and Japan. The Chinese assign the Rooster as a proverbial mascot to the five virtues – civil responsibility, marital fidelity, courage, kindness, and confidence.
The rooster is connected to the element of metal. The metal element is one of the five elements that are used in feng shui.
The Taoist rooster is a lucky emblem and, in some settings, Roosters are thought to act as Divine messengers.
Almost every culture and time has legends and connections that can be found incorporated in the “Golden Rooster” Stop in and see him for yourself at the Ballard Road Art Studio Gallery, Wilton NY.
“Alla nostra salute”, which means “to your health”.
© Michelle Vara– All Rights Reserved.