You’re invited to experience something completely New-
New work for a New Year

miChelle Vara spans multidisciplinary output (sculpture, journal, tar paintings and processing)using materially diverse technics. Vara unveils energy dimensions and frequencies composed through meditation, readings, journey, interviews and simple observations.
The creative beginnings started as “Energy in the Round” which connected and documented source energy to physical experience and has expanded to “Co – iN – Cee – DENTS” capturing source energy as it reveals and exchanges information.
The art works reach into primal intellect and subconscious metaphor, defining Vara’s epoch.
Open for view by appointment 1/9/16 to 1/17/16.
Closing Reception: January 17th 1- 5 pm
Location: 41 West 36th Street, NYC
518-744-1664 Cell phone